
Blog categorized as Marketing

Episode One Hundred and Seven -  What is G4 and why do I need to have it?
Most regular listeners will know I love talking content marketing, and while I know just how important analytics are, we don’t spend a huge amount of time talking about them.
Episode One Hundred and Six - Selling Play with Playful Marketing - with Viv Conway
After four people told me about the billboards that Viv Conway’s business Girls Get Off use to market their business, I knew I had to have her on the podcast.
Episode One Hundred and Five - Storytelling for Success: How to Captivate Your Audience and Boost Your Business
I often say “tell a story, change a mind” Storytelling helps us talk to a part of the brain that is geared towards connection.
Episode One Hundred and Four - Why Brand Photos Need to be part of your marketing with Cate Thomas
Having to have our face out there building a brand can be tricky. And while there is a lot to be said for making sure we have authentic, off the cuff images and videos, having photos that show our best professional side can really help people connect with us and our business
Episode One Hundred and Three - The Best Type of Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses
But after working with over a thousand of small business owners one-to-one on on their marketing strategies, I know what business owners need in their strategies and action plans and what they don’t.