time management

Blog tagged as time management

Episode Sixty Nine -  The five business levers you need for business growth
Out of the many undesirable traits I have, my ability to underestimate the sheer volume of any one task has to be my least favourite. Match with my confidence that “it’s all going to turn out great” and I get myself into a few too many pickles for my liking.
Episode Sixty Eight -  PR, publicity and self publishing with Elizabeth Heritage
Out of the many undesirable traits I have, my ability to underestimate the sheer volume of any one task has to be my least favourite. Match with my confidence that “it’s all going to turn out great” and I get myself into a few too many pickles for my liking.
Episode Sixty Seven -  What the ACTUAL Instagram?! with Sarah Galbraith
There is one constant in digital marketing. And that constant is change. Sometimes it’s a change for the better, sometimes it’s not, and sometimes so much changes at once it’s hard to work out what on earth is going on.
Episode Sixty Six -  Sticking to your convictions for your own brand with Gemma Ede
I’m getting older (aren’t we all!) and often get super frustrated when trying to find clothing, and skin care that is targeted to me, but uses younger faces and bodies. I want to see things using my type of skin. Or my type of body.
Episode Sixty Five -  Getting the sticky on working in a family business
I’ve got a particular love for family run businesses because we’ve got one ourselves! So when I heard that Fiona from The Damson Collection was now working alongside her son in her business, I really wanted to find out how that dynamic works.