
Blog categorized as Marketing

Episode One Hundred and Two - What we learned from running a free challenge - with Sheryl Takayama
I once swore I’d never run a free challenge. And here I am, with two completed and done at the time this podcast goes live.
Episode One Hundred and One - How to work out why a customer needs you
If you don’t know this deep inside your soul, if it’s not something you think about when you create your content, you might end up talking to the wrong sorts of people, or letting your ideal customers go to someone else
Episode One Hundred - Money mindset barriers for women in business with Natalie Coombe
What’s actually holding you back from seeing your business succeed the way you wanted to?
Episode Ninety Nine - Will you build an alliance with me? (Strategic Alliances)
What are strategic alliances and do you need them for your small business? How do they work, and what makes a good one?
Episode Ninety Eight - Getting People to Pick Your Product - with Product Packaging Queen Laura Feavearyear
When it comes to products on a shelf, what makes someone buy yours (unless it’s a firm favourite they buy all the time”) is going to start with the packaging.